Want more accountability in your businesses? Leadership + Management = Accountability
Whether you run on EOS or not, join us for a deep dive into the EOS* Tool, LMA. This simple formula of Leadership + Management = Accountability can transform how your leadership team guides your team into strong accountability. You will learn the 5 key leadership abilities needed to grow strong teams as well as the management skills and disciplines needed to hold those teams accountable.
In this 4 hour workshop, we will do an overview of EOS*, a deep dive into LMA, and then facilitate an open discussion on challenges you are facing within your leadership teams. Through the workshop and experience shares, you will walk away with a clear understanding of what it takes for you and your execute team to lead your organization.
*EOS stands for Entrepreneurial Operating System, a framework that helps businesses improve their systems and processes. It’s a set of tools and principles that business owners and leaders can use to help their companies run more smoothly and achieve their goals.